None of our nations are perfect and human nature isn't perfect
either, but to have so many flawed pieces of legislation which have gone
unchanged despite so many tragedies..... It just blows my mind. The
fact that the elected representatives of the US Senate have not done
their duty to the good of the people and changed these laws, which allow
and even facilitate these acts of violence is an outrage.Looking in
from an outsiders perspective and being a citizen of New Zealand, born to a nation with gun control, the arguments that still persist and prevent change are nothing more than hot air.
It is a supremely tragic day for the people of Orlando, Florida and
particularly the LGBTQ+ community who were so clearly the target of this
attack. Even as a person living halfway across the world, my heart
aches for these people. The even more saddening fact is that there have
been so many other incidents like this over the years and yet nothing
has been done to limit the availability of firearms in the United States
at a Federal level.
Events like this disgust me and I think,
ironically one week before my departure for my trip to the States, my
fairy-tale obsession with the USA has been shattered. I can no longer
see it as a place of fun and adventure and opportunities. You might say
"don't let your passion for a place and it's people be tainted by one
act of violence" and my reply is that it is not one, it is many. Attacks
like this have happened over and over again in various places and at
various times. These events will continue to happen while firearms are
still freely available in an environment where there is still so much
America is not the land of the free, it is the land of
the fearful. It has gone from the ideals of equality, with thoughts that
any person can step foot onto the land and make a success of their
lives to one where so many millions struggle to get by on a daily basis.
It was a system founded on hope. But these days it seems that less and
less of the people of that large and diverse country can truly say they
still see those values in their nation.
My heart goes out to
those who are suffering as a direct and indirect result of this
violence. I want to present my solidarity with the communities, whoever
they are, that face discrimination and the daily risk of unwarranted
violence against them. This is not a time to be divided, but a time to
draw together and recognize each others humanity. It is a clear time to
act in the best interests of that humanity.
Peace be with those suffering. #lovenothate #loveislove #peace #stoptheguns #PulseOrlando #stopthehate #Pride #LGBTQ+