Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Cranberry a Day Keeps the Doctor Away

For over a year I have been putting up with almost continuous bladder infections and other related problems. These have been initiated because I have a catheter, because of nerve damage relating to my disability. As a result of these infections I have spent weeks and weeks on various antibiotics trying to get well. After such an extended period of problems and having researched both natural and medicinal options I realized there was one main reoccurring suggestion, both from doctors and natural health advisers. This reoccurring suggestion was cranberry!

Being who I am and not being a fan of cranberry in general I had for a long time dismissed this option. In reality I can’t stand drinking cranberry juice due to its strong taste and weird texture, which was enough to put me off the idea of this as a cure. But after such a long time of infections and pain it had driven me to a point of desperation to find an answer that would work long term.

 After looking through available research and suggestions I found out that there are several plant extract oils that are considered beneficial in reducing the rate of infection or helping to eliminate an existing infection. Although there was some opinion and data about the effects of these things, the evidence seemed largely inconclusive. Some of these natural options included oregano oil, high vitamin C doses, pineapple, blueberries, baking soda and a number of others. But when I questioned the naturopath about the concentrates or supplements she was concerned about interactions with the other medications I take (my blood pressure/ heart medication). So at that time my only option seemed to be either to continue in the never-ending downwards spiral of infections, or to be more open to trying things like cranberry which as far as I know is safe for pretty much all cases.

Speaking further with the naturopath, I was fortunately told that I would not be stuck drinking litres of cranberry juice to get the effect, but was introduced to cranberry concentrate capsules. The ones I am currently using are called Thompson’s Ultra Cranberry 17 000. When it comes to natural remedies I tend to be open minded but somewhat skeptical as to how effective they will be. I guess after being reliant on strong antibiotic treatments for various health problems and infections over the years it is probably to be expected. Also my difficulty with swallowing tablets or capsules over a certain size tends to have an influence on what I can or choose to take. 

If I am unable to swallow a tablet because of its size we have had to resort to crushing them into powder and trying to disguise the taste and texture with various substances like yoghurt or ice-cream. (I am sure anyone with children or those with swallowing difficulties will know what a problem and how unpleasant this can be). Fortunately these cranberry concentrates come in capsules which have the advantage of being easier to disperse through a substance like yoghurt and also do not taste overly unpleasant. 

Nearly two months since my last diagnosed bladder or kidney infection I have noticed there has been an overall improvement in the comfort levels of my bladder. Previously I would have episodes of spasming pain or stinging/ burning caused by irritation or oversensitivity due to bacteria or other irritants. Since I have been taking the cranberry capsules this has improved significantly and still no sign of infection settling in (keeping my fingers crossed). I checked with my GP a couple of weeks ago as to what signs might have been indicated in a sample I provided and was informed that the simple test they carried out showed no signs that would indicate infection. This is the first time in over a year that there had not been a positive result for signs of infection. 

Although it is early days I feel like this hiatus from infection and health issues connected with my catheter is worth celebrating. I am determined not to take this reprieve from issues for granted and am continuing to maintain my dosage of cranberry capsules. If that is what will help me to avoid almost continuous doctors’ visits and antibiotics I am certainly willing to do it.

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