Monday, June 23, 2014

Conflict or Conversation

"Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted every time I am contradicted" -R.W Emerson

It seems so easy these days with fragile egos and larger than life personalities for a simple conversation to turn into a battle ground. Listening to conversations go from an exchange of ideas and opinions to a verbal fist fight is not the best example for public figures or any adult to be setting for those around them.

I understand that there is definitely a line between good communication in which people take ownership of their ideas and opinions versus those who attack with their words or try to make it a personal issue. Having the experience of living in a physically disadvantaged position I have met people who see this as a reason to assume and to dominate in conversation. Other times it can trigger people to be extra delicate in how they address conversations to someone in my position. Neither of these approaches should be acceptable or reasonable in conversation with anyone. Just as I have learned to correct peoples misinformed assumptions about my personal capabilities, I feel people should be able to express themselves and their opinions in a respectful but direct way.

Seeing so many public figures ending up on the verge of open argument on T.V and the popularity of shows like Keeping up with the Kardashian's encourages narcissism, which is a significant contributor to the difficulties that face scenarios of open dialogue these days.

As someone who has grown up with people who have difficulty in discussing things without feeling personally affronted it has encouraged me to sharpen my conversation and presentation abilities to avoid some of the traps that people can fall into. Because communication is so important in helping to change the opinions and behaviour surrounding issues key to our communities well being and the improvement of our country and humanity as a whole (not wanting to be over dramatic of course), I hope there is a return to calmness and rationality in how people approach communicating with each other.

The quote that began this rant is from Ralph Emerson, who I have written about previously and I feel that again his words have relevance beyond the time in which they were written. I hope that there will be people from my own generation whose words will last and reach out to future generations to inspire others to think more deeply and approach aspects of their lives with new positive perspectives. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful sketch by I think Saul Steinberg, if I'm not mistaken. Here are a few more by him

    I think the most difficult part nowadays, that people don't know how to listen anymore. One of my favourite philosophers has written the book 'The other side of language. A philosophy of Listening' which addresses this problem. We just have to look at discussions on the TV that people are just using monologue and don't seem to be too interested in the other person's opinion. And so it goes on ...
