Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Prompt #8: Describe in detail what your “Magick Room” looks like. What colors do you see? What’s the lighting like? How big is it? Who’s welcome in…. what does it smell like. DETAILS. 

 My magick room doesn't really have to be any particular place, but can be anywhere that has a set of particular qualities. These are usually warm sunshine with a gentle breeze, being surrounded with a variety of soft colours, having gentle music or the sound of running water like a fountain. This sort of space puts me in such a relaxed frame of mind that I can drift and come up with all sorts of ideas. Some of the places I have found spots like this have been gardens, public parks, churchyards, driving along long stretches of straight roads (as a passenger) where I am surrounded by greenery/bush/farmland and sunshine etc.
This picture is not of my house but it is somewhere I can imagine finding tranquility, inspiration and having a good time with companions if I invited them into the space.

The main place I find inspiration is my own living room on a sunny spring/autumn day, surrounded by my comfortable furniture and looking out to my garden where I can hear the birds singing. They provide a nice accompaniment to the soft music I always have in the background. The best time of year for me in this space is when I get visited by Tui's, fan-tails and wax-eyes (New Zealand native birds) and I hear their beautiful singing in trees and gardens nearby. Tui's are truly inspiring and thrilling to hear.

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